The most straightforward response is "That depends on a lot of different things." I take just 10 minutes to write a unique and detailed article on any topic. The content is google friendly and indexed quickly.

The secret behind this process is using Artificial Intelligence (AI) based tools instead of hiring a freelancer or a full-time content writer. 

If you are interested in creating content instantly with an AI-based tool, check out this tool right now.

Now, Let's come to the practical challenges in writing content with 1000 words manually.

So, how much longer is it going to take? Creating a truly nice blog article that is 1,000 words long can take a newbie blogger anywhere from five to six hours. Writing a quality blog post that is 1,000 words long and has decent content can take an experienced writer approximately four hours to complete. It could be a good idea to add an extra hour or two to the time you spend researching and compiling the material for your blog post.

Writing by hand at a speed of approximately 20 words per minute is considered to be typical. And the standard for typing is typically twice as fast, clocking in at 20 words per minute on average. If one were to follow this line of reasoning, it would take the typical individual 25 minutes to write out one thousand words.

The amount of time it takes you to write an article that is 1000 words long is dependent on a number of factors.
  • Your prowess behind a keyboard.
  • Research on the Subject and an Understanding of It
  • Research on Keywords and Completing the Process
  • Developing A Structure For Your Blog Post Through Outlining
  • Putting Together The Initial Draft Of Your Blog Post
  • Production of visuals and moving images
  • Optimization of the Page Itself for Your Blog Post
If you are not familiar with AI-based tools, the tool named Rytr will the above-mentioned activities like a charm. 

In the process of revising the initial draught before clicking the "Publish" button

The majority of beginner bloggers are under the impression that duplicating original content will increase their ranks and visitors.

But they can't possibly be more wrong than they already are.

If you are also writing a blog post that is a reproduced version of an already published blog post, you found it using a simple Google Keyword search when you were looking for it.

Put a halt to it right this second! It is not worth your time to compose that blog post since it would only end up getting lost in the hundreds of thousands of blog articles that are produced each day.

It is imperative that you deliver something of value to the reader in order for your blog article to be noticed.

What exactly do you mean by that?

Develop original content that can be accessed on demand and in which you share your experiences, observations, experiments, and expertise.

1- Writing Skill

The more you write, the more proficient you will get and the faster. Not everyone is familiar with writing skills. Hence, taking the advantage of AI-based tools like Quillbot, Rytr and Grammarly make it possible.

Using these tools instead of hiring a professional content writer or freelancer is much more cost-effective. 

2- Do Your Homework and Get an Understanding of the Subject

Do keyword research on the topic you want to write about after you have an idea about what you want to write about. This will show you the points you need to include and how well the top five blog posts in the ranking are written. 

3- Concluding the Research on the Keywords

Carry out research on possible keywords in order to settle on one that will serve as both your primary and your LSI keyword. (Hint: When selecting your primary keyword, be careful not to pick one that is overly competitive. 

4- Outline your blog content and create an outline for it.

Once you have decided on the keywords for your blog article, you shouldn't jump right in and start writing it! Instead, you should read the top five blog posts that are relevant to your primary keywords, determine how long each of those blog posts is, and decide which topic or points each of those blog posts covers. Then, create an outline that incorporates all of those points as well as some other points that are relevant to your experience. 

5- Begin the process of writing the initial draught of your blog post.

Take a seat, and begin drafting the initial version of your blog post. Concentrate on filling in the outline with more detail while paying little attention to the faults you make. Your objective should be to compose the entire piece for your blog in a single sitting.

6- Generate Images and Films of Your Own

Make sure that your blog article contains all of the necessary graphics, photographs, and videos. A blog article that is nothing more than a collection of paragraphs will attract fewer visitors and have a lower position on search engines than one that is visually appealing.

7- Ensure that your blog article has proper on-page optimization.

To gain better results and to build your site, writing quality blog posts is not sufficient on its own. If you want more people to see your blog article and for it to rank higher, you need to optimize it for Google. If you want to know how to improve your blog post to get better rankings.

8- Making Changes to the Initial Draft

Now is the time to make any necessary edits to your blog post before you hit the publish button. Before my blog pieces are published to the public, I edit them using the premium edition of Grammarly. You are welcome to read the comprehensive Grammarly Review that I have published if you are interested in learning how using Grammarly might assist you in producing better blog posts.